बाइक इंश्योरेंस

Whether you are a motorcycle enthusiast or a regular person looking to purchase a two-wheeler, understanding the difference between torque and BHP in bikes can be crucial. Although these are both performance metrics are used to evaluate two-wheelers, torque and BHP are not the same. Here, you can learn about what is torque and BHP in bike.

What Is Torque in Bikes?

Torque in bikes is a performance metric which is determined by the rotations per minute or RPM of a bike. When you go to purchase a bike, the dealer with likely mention the bike’s rpm unit, which can help you understand more about its torque.

Torque is a rotational force available at the wheels, or simply the turning power of your vehicle that propels it further. This force enables the bike to move ahead and is often referred to as the pulling power of the bike.

What Does Torque Do in a Bike?

Torque of a bike determines the twisting force of its wheels to propel the bike further ahead. Higher the torque of a bike, greater load it can bear and maintain a consistent speed, especially at lower speed levels. Lower the torque of a bike, greater its speed. If the specifications of a two-wheeler mention that it can deliver a significant torque at high RPM, it indicates that the vehicle is quite powerful.

Torque plays an essential role in the movement of a bike:

  1. It helps pull the bike powerfully from a standstill and offers quick initial acceleration.
  2. It helps the bike in climbing a hill or move seamlessly on an upward road with relative ease.
  3. It helps the bike maintain momentum between gear shifts and reduce the number of times you have to shift the gear.
What Is BHP in Bikes?

Brake horsepower or BHP is another performance metric of a two-wheeler that determines the rate of delivering torque to its wheels. The engine provides power to generate torque, which is then delivered to the wheels, BHP determines the rate at which this exchange happens.

The higher BHP a bike has, the quicker this delivery occurs, which translates to you being able to ride your bike at the same speed without slowing down uphill, for example. However, the BHP of your bike is dependent on many factors, such as the vehicle’s weight and engine capacity. The BHP unit mentioned in the specifications of the bike can help you determine how quickly it can reach its top speed. BHP is all about achieving high speeds.

Difference Between BHP & Torque

Torque vs. BHP in bike

Torque is the pulling power of the bike and is directly related to the power of the engine.

BHP determines the ability of the bike to achieve high speeds quickly.

Torque tells you about the load-bearing capacity of a bike. It impacts the bike’s acceleration, hill climbing capacity, and performance at lower speed levels.

BHP tells you about the top speed of a bike.

Torque is measured in Nm (Neuton meter).

BHP is measured in hp (horsepower).

Summarising Facts About Torque and BHP

Let’s take a hypothetical example of 2 bikes with different torque and BHP to understand these features. Suppose if bike A has 60 hp of BHP and 180 Nm of torque and bike B has 100 hp of BHP and 100 Nm of torque. Since bike B has a higher BHP, it will have more top speed than bike A. However, bike A will be able to pull heavier loads more easily than bike B. Understanding this difference well helps you make an informed decision when purchasing a vehicle.

Thus, while purchasing a bike, you cannot overlook one of these two features for a well-rounded driving experience. However, if you think your vehicle will need to carry heavy load on the bike, consider one with a high BHP. And if live in the mountain area where one has to drive uphill quite often, consider getting a bike with a high torque.

Summing Up

If you are thinking about getting a two-wheeler, make sure you understand the implications of the torque and BHP levels of the bike you plan on getting. Use your understanding of the two terms to find the right bike for you whether your top priority is high speed or the capacity to carry weight.

Make sure to invest in a comprehensive bike insurance policy to protect your bike. While selecting a plan, read through the bike insurance details. Learning about how to file a claim and how to renew insurance of your two-wheeler when its time can be helpful in enjoying the benefits of the policy and ensuring proper coverage of your vehicles.


1. Which is better, torque or BHP?

BHP and torque are both different performance metrics of a two-wheeler that impact the ride of the bike differently. Thus, one cannot be better than the other.

2. What is BHP in bikes?

BHP levels of a bike tell us about the top speed of a bike and how quickly it can reach those levels.

3. How much BHP should I look for in a bike?

This varies from bike to bike and depend on many factors. However, to give you an idea, a bike which has 30 BHP is adequate for your regular commute on planes; you may be able to hit about 140 km/h on such a bike.

4. What is the use of torque in bikes?

Torque impacts a bike’s ability to accelerate, go uphill, start from a standstill, and how it runs at low speed.

Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.

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