Today, we are advancing technologically by discovering new solutions and making our lives easier. However, technological advancements typically lead to increased dependence on electricity and other natural resources. The more we exploit the limited energy resources available to us, the greater its impact on our environment. Hence, conscious consumption is essential for a better future. Through energy conservation, we can protect and replenish energy supplies. Learn the ways to go about conserving energy this World Energy Conservation Day.
What is World Energy Conservation Day?The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) first organised World Energy Conservation Day on 14th December 1991. Since then, this day has been celebrated every year to mark India’s achievements in resource conservation and creating efficient energy sources. The objective of this day is to generate awareness about the importance of saving energy. On this day, the BEE felicitates industries for reducing energy consumption and hands out prizes to the National Painting Competition on Energy Conservation winners.
Ideas for energy conservationBesides industries, we, as civilians, can also do our bit to conserve energy resources. Here are some ideas.
Artificial lighting accounts for the most energy consumption, so it helps to reduce our dependence on it. If you reside in an area that offers abundant daylight, you should utilise and embrace it. Welcome the natural light through your windows and doors and use it to illuminate your home until the sun sets.
Most home appliance manufacturers have started manufacturing energy–saving appliances. Such appliances are typically marked with a one to five–star rating. The higher the star–rating, the more energy efficient the appliance.
How you utilise energy resources in your everyday life makes a significant difference. You can practice healthy energy consumption habits like turning off the lights and idle devices when not in use, driving less and walking, cycling or carpooling, instead of using carbon–emitting private vehicles.
Plugged–in devices draw in electricity even when they are not in use. If you find it a hassle to turn them off because you intend to use them again, consider investing in smart power strips that let you turn off devices without touching the power outlet.
Air conditioners contribute to significant energy consumption. Air leaks from windows and doors worsen the condition. Due to outdoor ventilation, the system takes in more pressure, adversely affecting the production of cool air. It helps to shut down such openings and fix cracks leading to air leaks.
Believe it or not, everything you do is linked to your health. For instance, the depletion of natural resources affects the environment, causing climatic imbalance and global warming. These conditions impact the air quality and the growth of crops, which, in turn, impacts your health. It is no wonder that young people are falling ill at alarming rates. However, health insurance prepares you to bear the medical expenses associated with hospitalisation and treatment if your health fails.
This World Energy Conservation Day, try energy–conserving practices and seek financial protection with health insurance.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.It secure our most valuable assets, It secure our most valuable assets
4 Earthquake Safety Tips for Your House
The monsoon is one of the most awaited seasons. After the rains, everything looks fresh and vibrant. The earthy aroma of the rain-soaked soil is divine. But along with the monsoon comes stagnant water, humidity and temperature fluctuations that can make you fall sick. There is a whole range of monsoon diseases which if not treated timely can be life-threatening. Thus, you should be aware of monsoon diseases prevention tips and take the necessary precautions.
Here are 5 monsoon diseases you should be careful of:
Dengue: With incessant rain pouring, it doesn’t make much time for stagnant puddles to become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. A moist environment is perfect for mosquitoes. The risk of getting vector-borne infections like dengue, malaria and chikungunya are high during the monsoon. Thus, the first monsoon diseases prevention tipis to protect everybody in your family, by making sure you use mosquito nets. Keep your body covered and use mosquito repellant. Ensure there are no puddles of water near your house.
Typhoid: The monsoon creates an ideal climate for the spread of water-borne diseases like typhoid. It is a highly infectious disease that is caused due to intake of contaminated food and water. Many people look forward to eating roadside food when it rains. However, it is best to avoid them. Typhoid can be very dangerous especially for children and the elderly. If you do wish to eat outside, make sure the food is cooked in clean and hygienic surroundings. Make sure you follow proper hand hygiene.
Diarrhoea:Diarrohea is a very common health issue. But it can be serious especially among the children. Stomach flu is one of the common causes of diarrhoea. Though diarrhoea is easily treatable, at times acute diarrhoea can leave the patient weak. Thus a simple way for monsoon diseases prevention from ailments like diarrhoea is to stick to home-cooked food. The unhygienic handling of food leads to diarrhoea. Good personal hygiene habits like washing hands before eating and after using the restroom can help in preventing diarrhoea.
Cholera:Cholera is a serious disease which is caused by the consumption of contaminated water or food. Cholera is one of the diseases that can severe health implications and thus monsoon diseases prevention from this ailment is critical. The disease causes diarrhoea and dehydration but in some cases, when timely treatment is not sought it can result in death. You can protect yourself and your family by using only boiled water and cooking in clean surroundings.
Cold and flu: Sudden changes in the weather can make children and adults susceptible to cold and flu. As cold and flu are highly contagious, it’s best to maintain good personal hygiene and take the necessary monsoon diseases prevention measures. Though cold and flu go away in a week or so, runny nose, sore throat, muscle ache and weakness can cause a great deal of discomfort.
It is good to take precautions to protect yourself and your family during the rainy season by following these monsoon diseases prevention tips. But with health insurance costs rising every day, a Health Insurance Policy is your all-weather friend.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.
Ways to Maintain a Home
Home is a sacred haven that takes years of hard work to build. It is a place you come back to after a long day. Your house is also the most significant investment you can make. You want to ensure it stays in pristine condition for years to come. If you are wondering how to maintain a clean house, regular upkeeping goes a long way. Small and consistent efforts make maintenance seem like a breeze and help avoid costly fixes later. Continue reading to learn more.
How to Maintain Cleanliness at Home?Cleaning your home does not have to be a task. Go through these tips to understand how to maintain your house with ease.
Prepare a cleaning routineCleaning duty piles up when there is a lot of mess in the house. You can avoid this by cleaning after yourself. When you have completed a task, put the supplies away in their designated spaces and quickly wipe the area. Following a cleaning routine like this saves you a lot of time and makes cleaning effortless.
Disinfect periodicallyDusting regularly is a good practice. It keeps your house looking clean and tidy. But cleanliness goes beyond what meets the eye. Moisture levels in unreachable corners can attract rodents and insects. Getting rid of them through disinfection is necessary at regular intervals. You can also employ cleaning professionals to deep clean your house once a month.
Stay organizedAnother way how to maintain a dust–free home is to stay organized. Cluttered spaces take time to clean, collect dust easily, and make it difficult to access items easily. All this leads to more mess. Optimally using these spaces helps you stay organized. You can create a storage area for organizing your valuables and use accessible storage units like coffee tables, cupboards, shelves, etc., for regular items.
Inspect for damagesSometimes, minor issues may go unnoticed and create more significant problems later. Be it leakage, a crack on the wall, or loose wires – spotting them on time helps control the damage. You must regularly check your living room, kitchen area, bathroom, etc., for signs of trouble. Get them fixed even if the damage seems minimal to avoid hefty costs later.
Invest in cleaning suppliesMaking your weekly cleaning routine productive with the right cleaning products is an excellent tip on how to maintain a clean home. Good quality cleaning supplies help you remove stubborn stains in a messy kitchen or neglected corners in your house. They make cleaning a quick and easy affair. You can combine deep cleaning supplies with regular cleaning agents for distinct needs.
Get Home Insurance for All–Round ProtectionProper home maintenance includes consideration for safety. Your house is at risk if a fire, theft, or other disasters occur. You want to stay prepared with adequate security to prevent hefty financial losses. This is where a home insurance policy comes to the rescue. Home insurance covers your home and its contents, like furniture, appliances, jewelry, gadgets, etc., from potential losses, damages, and thefts. Home insurance allows you to rest assured even while you are away from home.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.Measures To Keep Your Home Safe From Fire Accidents
For everyone, home can be a different place, a different city, but the common thing is that for every single person, home is their safe haven. Protecting it from fire hazards is important for your mental safety, physical safety and for safeguarding your valuable assets.
Using fire prevention and protection measures can reduce the risk of potential damage that might happen. Let's take a look at the importance of fire prevention and explore some must-know fire prevention measures.
Importance of Fire Prevention MeasuresUnderstanding the importance of fire safety precautions is necessary for every homeowner. Fires can cause huge damage and pose a severe risk to lives and property. By using fire prevention techniques, you can potentially reduce the risk of fire accidents in your home.
These measures include a combination of installing safety devices, practising good habits, and educating your family on fire safety precautions.
Fire Prevention Safety MeasuresImplementing effective fire prevention measures is key to keeping your home safe. Let’s take a look at how to prevent fire damage:
Smoke alarms are your first line of defence against a house fire. Install smoke alarms in prime areas of your home, such as the kitchen, bedrooms, hallways, and sleeping areas.
Always make sure that they are working properly by testing them regularly and replacing batteries as needed. This simple step can give an early warning and some time to escape in case of a fire.
We would think that open fire sources cause these hazards but a lot of times faulty electrical systems and damaged wires have caused many house fires. To reduce this risk, have a qualified electrician inspect your home's wiring, outlets, and electrical appliances regularly.
Always keep a habit of replacing damaged cords, avoid overloading outlets, and consider changing your electrical panel. Proper maintenance of your electrical systems can prevent fires and give home fire safety.
As we all very well know, the kitchen is a very common place from which a fire hazard starts. To reduce the risk, never leave cooking unattended, especially when using high heat. Keep flammable materials, like dish towels and curtains, away from the stove.
Use caution when frying with oil, as it can easily ignite. Keep a lid nearby to smother flames if needed and have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
If you have a fireplace, make sure that it is regularly cleaned and inspected for proper functioning to reduce the chances of a sudden fire.
Additionally, use a fire screen to prevent sparks from escaping into your home. Proper maintenance of chimneys and fireplaces is an important fire prevention technique.
You should always keep flammable products like paint, deodorants, gasoline and other cleaning products away from places like the kitchen or areas with heat sources. You must always keep products like these in a clean and well-ventilated area to reduce fire hazards and damage.
Store them in their original containers and use caution when handling and disposing of them. Safe storage of these materials is an important part of fire prevention and protection.
Consider using fire-resistant building materials when constructing or renovating your home. Fire-proof sliding, roofing and insulation might help in reducing fire damage by slowing down the spread of fire flames. Investing in these materials can enhance the fire safety precautions of your home.
Make sure that all family members are aware of fire safety measures at home. Teach children about the importance of not playing with matches or lighters and have a family fire escape plan in place. Education is a powerful tool in fire prevention and protection.
Create a fire escape plan for your family and practice it regularly. Choose proper routes from every room, establish a meeting point outside, and make sure that everyone knows how to call emergency services. Having a well-practised escape plan can be life-saving in an emergency.
Now that you have learned about a few fire prevention techniques, let’s take a look at how you can secure your mental and financial health in case of a fire accident.
House insurance provides financial coverage in case of fire-related damages to your home and personal belongings. It can help you rebuild your home and replace lost or damaged items which will in turn reduce the financial burden of recovery.
If a fire in your home causes harm to someone else or damages their property, your home insurance can provide liability coverage which will protect you from legal and financial consequences. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under the home insurance policy.
Knowing that you have home insurance can give you peace of mind, realizing that you’re financially prepared in the event of a fire or other disasters. This preventive measure can lead you to live more comfortably without worrying about financial disasters.
Taking measures for the safety of a home against the threat of fire is the responsibility of every homeowner. While the thought of a fire breaking out is worrisome, proactive measures can help you manage risks.
Implementing the fire prevention measures mentioned above in the blog can help you safeguard your property and the lives of your loved ones.
Other than protecting your home from fire hazards, when it comes to protecting your financial future investing in comprehensive home insurance is necessary. SBI General Insurance's "Griha Raksha Plus" offers comprehensive benefits, including Home Building and Contents Cover, no underinsurance, long policy durations of up to 20 years, and multiple optional covers.
With "Griha Raksha Plus," you get coverage for physical loss or damage to your home and contents, automatic increase in sum insured, long policy tenure, and various optional covers such as Personal Accident Cover, EMI Protection, and more.
Stay safe, and always prioritize fire prevention to keep your home secure.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.Monsoon Home Care Tips
The monsoon is one of the most awaited times of the year. During the rainy season, everything appears to be delightful and fresh. It is the perfect weather to relish the rain from your balcony. But unfortunately, the rain can bring with it water seepage, fungus and a myriad of other issues that can harm your home. Fortunately, we have rounded up some of the best monsoon home care tips that will keep your home dry and safe when it’s raining outside.
Monsoon Home care tips
Here are a few handy monsoon tips for home that can keep your home safe during heavy showers:
Get your roof waterproofed: Water patches on the ceilings and the walls can spoil the look of your house. Before the first spell of rain, call a plumber to check the roof and terraces, and get them coated with a waterproofing agent. This will prevent seepage during the monsoon season. Getting waterproofing done before the monsoon will also protect your walls against moulds and mildew.
Fill in gaps and cracks:The moist atmosphere is ideal for fungus and moulds to thrive. A crack or gap on the walls or tiles could cause fungal growth and mould, which are often associated with causing breathing problems. As such, a simple monsoon care tip for your home is to check it for cracks and gaps and get them filled in with sealants.
Check electrical fittings properly: Another risk that you must protect your house from is an electrical short circuit. Loose or exposed wires and broken sockets can lead to electrical malfunctions around the year. But the risk of electrocution is very high during the monsoon. Get electrical maintenance done to take care of wirings, voltage regulator and trip switches. You also get open electrical sockets encased.
Check the drainage system: Before the monsoon season starts, make sure that the drainage system has a proper outlet. When the drains are clogged, heavy rain causes water to accumulate. This can lead to sewage to backing up to the house. Not only is this condition troublesome but also unhygienic. It’s best to get the drains desilted before the rainy season.
Get wooden furniture and doors polished: The list of monsoon tips for home also includes proper maintenance and precautions to manage the wooden articles in your house. It is very difficult to get rid of termites. But unfortunately, the humid atmosphere boosts the growth of termites. To avoid a termite infestation, make sure all wooden floors, doors and furniture are properly polished. This will prevent moisture from building up. Place camphor, neem leaves or cloves in the cupboards to avoid attracting insects.
It is good to take precautions to ensure your house is protected against the rains and this list of monsoon home care tips should prove helpful. That said, there are many natural calamities like flash floods, storms and cyclones that accompany unusually heavy rainfall. Many Indian cities have witnessed flash floods in the recent past leading to severe damage to buildings. This is why you cannot underestimate the importance of Home Insurance.
Home Insurance Policygives your house protection against floods, storms, earthquake and lightning. The Home Insurance policy will also safeguard your house against accidental fire, riot, strike and malicious damage. You buy or renew house insurance plan online.
Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.