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Computer Security Day: Ways to Keep Your Computer Safe

There’s no doubt that computers have been a blessing to humankind. They’ve made our life incredibly easy, allowing us to access the world at the push of a few buttons. Computers especially play a crucial role in the corporate world as companies depend on them to secure large volumes of data and other information. As we advance technologically, addressing computer privacy and security concerns is of utmost importance. This National Computer Security Day, let’s look at some ways to keep your computers safe.

What is Computer Security Day?

Computer Security Day is observed on the 30th of November every year. The objective of this day is to spread awareness about the importance of online security. It started in 1988 when computers started making their way into government offices, banks, and other institutions. Since valuable information is transferred via the internet, cyber security has become incredibly important.

Tips to Secure Your Computer from Online Threats

You can secure your computers, laptops, and other devices from online threats in several ways. They include the following.

Update software

Software updates can fix security bugs in the existing software. Turn on the software update option on your devices to ensure your computer is up-to-date every time.

Check firewalls

The computer’s operating systems typically come with an in-built firewall that prevents unauthorised individuals from accessing your device. You should thus check firewalls frequently.

Back up data

Since it is a machine, your computer can suddenly crash at any time. It’s thus a good idea to back up your data regularly. This practice especially comes in handy during ransomware threats where criminals encrypt sensitive data.

Delete suspicious emails

Avoid clicking on suspicious emails sent from unknown email accounts. Such emails could contain corrupt links that could make you a phishing or malware invasion victim.

Install antivirus

Antivirus software detects and destroys malware from your computer. Ensure you purchase the software from a reputed provider.

Avoid pirated content

Streaming or downloading movies, TV series, music or software from unofficial sources is illegal and dangerous. It can contain malware that can corrupt your computer systems.

Set strong passwords

Avoid using names and birthdays as passwords. Instead, use a combination of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols and create passwords comprising at least 12 characters.

Avoid inserting unknown external devices

Unknown universal serial bus (USB) or external hard disks may contain malware and viruses. These devices can make your system slow and corrupt it, so it’s best to avoid them.

Use a VPN

When using laptops in public places, you can connect to the internet via virtual public networks (VPN) to avoid the risk of being hacked.

Get Cyber Insurance

Internet usage also exposes you to cybersecurity risks. Cybercriminals find new ways to breach private networks and steal sensitive data. To mitigate the losses caused by cybercrimes like data breaches, ransomware, malware, cyber extortion, etc., you should get cyber insurance. If your computer gets hacked, a cyber insurance policy covers the cost of losses incurred due to cyberattacks.

This Computer Security Day, ensure you exercise caution while using the internet. Also, invest in a cyber insurance plan.

Disclaimer: The above information is indicative in nature. For more details on the risk factor, terms and conditions, please refer to the Sales Brochure and Policy Wordings carefully before concluding a sale.

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