Your Guide To How Cashless Garages Work
When buying car insurance, you may have heard of the concept of cashless garages. Cashless garages are repair garages that have tie–ups with your insurance provider. So, how does that benefit you? Let’s find out.
Network garages in insuranceWhen you get into an accident, you need to take your car for repairs. The bill for these repairs will be settled by the insurer either through a cashless claim or a reimbursement claim. If you opt for reimbursement, you will need to pay for all the repairs out of your own pocket before presenting the bills to the insurer to get compensation. On the other hand, if you opt for cashless claims, your insurer settles the bills directly. This is where the concept of cashless garages comes in.
In a cashless garage, the cost for repairs is settled directly with the insurance company. All you need to do is take your car for repairs or have it towed by a tower from the insurer. The network garage will fix your vehicle and present the bills for settlement to your insurance company. You won’t have to shell out the repair costs from your pocket.
Benefits of cashless garagesThere are many benefits to having cashless garages. For one, you don’t have to worry about shelling out large sums of cash for repairing your vehicle. You can get it fixed with the insurer picking up the bills. Secondly, you can be sure that the cashless garages are some of the best and most reputed garages in your area. After all, the insurance company will conduct proper checks to ensure that they tie–up only with quality garages that are known for offering good repairs. All of these benefits can give you true peace of mind that your car will be repaired well after an accident.
Where can I find the cashless garages list?You can easily get the list of cashless garages from your insurer by reaching out to them through their website or on their toll–free number. Many insurers also have their list of cashless garages printed on their insurance document.
Things to keep in mind about cashless garagesIf you are about to avail of the services of a cashless garage for the first time, here are a few pointers to keep in mind:
Choose a cashless garage that is close to home
You may want to choose a cashless garage that is close to home. This will make it easier for you to pick and drop off your vehicle.
You may have to pay certain charges
Remember that your car insurance policy has certain clauses about standard and voluntary deductibles. You will have to make these payments even if you opt for cashless garages. Your insurer will help you with the exact calculation.
Follow due process
Make sure to call up your insurance provider before taking the car to the cashless garage so that they tell you about the exact process that you need to follow.